Data Science Club @ Georgia Tech

The club’s motto is: "Data science with a focus on the community."
DSGT aims to create a community of data science students who are impassioned about giving back to their own communities.

DSGT performs three main activities as an organization:
1) A semester-long bootcamp with a specialized data science curriculum to help new members learn data science quickly
2) Projects that are community-oriented
3) A flagship annual data-science hackathon - Hacklytics

As Director of Projects at the Data Science Club, I was in charge of growing our projects pipeline from 1 to 6 projects based on research and industry-focused areas. I also co-led Hacklyticsi>, DSGT’s flagship annual datathon which is open to the entire Georgia Tech student community. I have also been part of the content team, wherein I delivered a lecture on exploratory data analysis during the in-person bootcamp workshops.